Selecting the right software for IoT

Selecting the right software for IoT

In the beginning, it’s important to define project requirements and find reliable solutions based on them. Sometimes it can happen that there is no compatible platform so some parts of the system will have to be developed from scratch.

In hardware platform selection we are selecting only hardware that will match our needs, but with the software it’s different. With software, we have to select the right ecosystem for embedded firmware development, define the right cloud infrastructure and select a reliable cloud provider. But generally, we have to start with architecture definition based on the main IoT project requirements.

Often during development, various platforms can be used. Available platforms can provide fully functional virtual servers, MQTT brokers, data processing, and other segments which is great since we can develop and test our MVP and then scale it up easily (in most cases) on the same platform. The whole procedure can be completely solved by using IoTaaP as a software and hardware platform (since it is a full-stack solution). This platform merges multiple IoT fields, including virtual server instances, domains, MQTT broker, edge hardware and software, and much more!